
A look inside Hollywood and the movies. : THE BIG FEAR : Hate to Have Them Get the Wrong Idea


Jordan Allen is a writer-director whose first film, “Terminal Bliss,” is about to be released in theaters. There’s even talk that one of the four networks is interested in it.

As Film Clips reported last week, the star of the movie is Luke Perry. He happens to be the current heartthrob of millions of adoring teen-age girls thanks to his role as Dylan on Fox’s “Beverly Hills, 90210.”

So why is Allen so unhappy?

His big fear is that Cannon Films will market the movie as a John Hughes-style teen film to capitalize on Perry’s popularity. “It has to get to the right audience,” he says. “I don’t know how much a teen-age audience is going to understand a film like ‘Terminal Bliss’ “--especially 14-year-old girls who “love Luke.”


Allen shot “Terminal Bliss” for $500,000 last year before Perry’s involvement in “Beverly Hills.”

“It’s about two teen-agers gone awry who are on a juggernaut course into a world of sex and deception,” he says. “It’s like ‘River’s Edge’ and ‘Less Than Zero.’ ”

Perry’s character, Allen says, “is 180 degrees different than Dylan. He date-rapes and takes a lot of acid. It’s pretty provocative.”

Allen says Cannon originally was just going to release “Terminal Bliss” on video, but since Perry is a hot commodity, Cannon is testing the film next month in theaters in Miami. Over the summer, Allen adds, Fox Broadcasting entered “into preliminary negotiations with Cannon to premiere it on TV.”

Perry, according to Allen, has put his “Terminal Bliss” days behind him. Perry recently informed Allen he wasn’t going to promote the movie. “I said, ‘Why not?’ and he said, ‘It’s a low-budget film and I am going on to bigger-budget films.’ ”
