
Symphony Players to Sign Message


In a gesture that implies lack of harmony in the current labor negotiations between the management of the San Diego Symphony and the orchestra players, the Orchestra Committee will form a “human billboard” of symphony musicians in front of Copley Symphony Hall today from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

The current two-year contract between symphony management and American Federation of Musicians Local 325, which represents the players, expires today. The 1991-92 symphony season is scheduled to open Friday, and rehearsals for that program are supposed to begin Tuesday.

Rebekah Campbell, co-chair of the Orchestra Committee, said the purpose of this action is to “ask people to support music. You know, just wave when you go by if you love music.”


Campbell declined to elaborate on her statement, nor would she explain the statement in the Orchestra Committee’s press release that alleged symphony management was, “Asking for deep cuts which would severely hurt the musicians.”

Wesley Brustad, executive director of the San Diego Symphony, declined to respond to the allegation, stating that both parties in the current negotiation had agreed not to discuss the issues publicly.

The Orchestra Committee presents the symphony musicians’ views in the labor negotiations between the union and management.
