
A Guide to the Best of Southern California : CATALOGUES : Back Issues


It’s a little slice of you-know-what for film buffs. The 1/2” Heaven mail-order catalogue includes hundreds of hard-to-find videotapes in categories ranging from black films (1938’s “God’s Stepchildren” by Oscar Micheaux, for example), musicals (Marilyn Monroe in 1960’s “Let’s Make Love”) and documentaries (“Land Without Bread,” the short that got Luis Bunuel excommunicated from the Catholic Church in 1932) to camp (“Chained for Life,” featuring the Hilton sisters, real-life Siamese twins!), opera (“Lohengrin,” 220 minutes of brooding, thudding Wagner) and more.

All this springs from the obsession of one man, Al Drebin of Budget Films, which bills itself as the “largest independently owned film archive in the world.” At the urging of his daughter, Layne, Drebin--who has “been collecting all my life”--transferred some of the more interesting pieces of his collection to tape.

To order a $3.50 catalogue, write to Budget Films, 4590 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles 90029; or call (213) 660-0187.
