
City Atty.’s ‘Hostility’


Maybe the Sorrento Beach fence in Santa Monica (Times, Sept. 22) is legal and maybe it is not--that has yet to be satisfactorily determined. But this entire fence incident was handled with overt hostility and inappropriate aggression by City Atty. Robert M. Myers.

Mr. Myers’ statement that “prosecution is not appropriate for someone attempting to create public access over public property” raises questions. Does that mean it is all right for citizens to take the law in their own hands if they feel justified that the law is on their side?

I am not an attorney. I was the person Mr. Myers talked with in front of the Sorrento condominiums. His attitude toward me was hostile and unnecessarily aggressive, just like all the people who frequent the beach harassing whom they please.


I also do not think due process of law was used when notice was given around 3 p.m. to remove the fence by 10 a.m. the next morning. It seems more appropriate to me that the Department of Building & Safety should give notice to our condominium association to remove the fence, and if we refused to comply it then would be turned over to the city attorney for prosecution. Doesn’t it seem odd or suspicious that the city attorney takes it upon himself to come down personally to serve notice?

In conclusion, I personally feel that if any mishap should befall any resident at the beach in front of their property, Mr. Myers will have to answer a lot of questions.

