
AT&T; Offers Break to People Who ‘Telecommute’ on Jobs

From the Washington Post

American Telephone & Telegraph on Tuesday announced a package of services and product discounts aimed at the growing number of people using telephones and computers to work out of their homes.

The telecommunication giant’s move is the latest in a series of indications that home-based businesses and workers are becoming more accepted into the mainstream of American business. Experts estimate that 11.8 million Americans operate businesses out of their home, and another 22 million work at home regularly or occasionally, connected with their main office by telephone lines, computers, modems and facsimile machines.

Telephone companies such as AT&T; are at the forefront of this movement, which could greatly increase their business.


Many companies and government agencies are experimenting with letting their workers “telecommute” by working at home, and services are springing up to assist them. Even the Internal Revenue Service has acknowledged the boom, recently issuing a new tax form to handle deductions for home-based businesses.
