
On Report Cards: Let’s Teach English to Our Children

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So now we have school districts in California sending out grade reports in Spanish (“Bilingual Report Cards Aggravate Some Parents,” Nov. 23). Where is the incentive to become an English-speaking American? By not forcing people to learn English, by not forcing them to acculturate to American society, we are in danger of becoming so diverse that we are unable to understand and communicate with each other. Racial and ethnic tensions are inevitable. Why are we paying for programs that encourage this separatism?

My mother spoke only German until she started school. Within a year, she was speaking and learning in English because she had to. She became a schoolteacher, led a totally productive life and at 85 she continues to do volunteer work in the schools. Contrary to popular thought, her life was not scarred by having to learn English but was enhanced in every way imaginable.

All one has to do is look at other countries that have allowed their people to remain separate from each other, socially, culturally and by language. They end up fighting each other. Is this what we want for our children, our country?


We need to put an end to politically expedient programs that promote separatism or future generations may find themselves at each other’s throats.

