
Clinton Backed by the Governor of Rhode Island

<i> Associated Press</i>

Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton has picked up the backing of Rhode Island Gov. Bruce G. Sundlun for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Aides to Sundlun said Tuesday that the governor sent a telegram to Clinton last Friday promising his support. That came after New York Gov. Mario M. Cuomo said that he would not seek the nomination.

“The governor has worked with Gov. Clinton on occasion and has a very good relationship with him,” said R. David Cruise, Sundlun’s chief of staff. “He’s a moderate.”


Meanwhile, state Republican Party Chairman Robert Rendine said that he would not recommend a ballot position in Rhode Island for columnist Patrick J. Buchanan or former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, who are seeking the GOP presidential nomination.

That means Buchanan and Duke will have to get the signatures of 1,000 registered Republicans on petitions by the Jan. 7 deadline to gain a spot on the primary ballot.
