
Former Deputy Arrested After His Badge Was Worn by Impostor at Rose Parade

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The parolee arrested for impersonating a Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy at the Rose Parade wore a badge belonging to a former deputy who also has been arrested, authorities said Thursday.

Former Deputy August Hoffman Jr., 32, of Van Nuys was booked late Wednesday on suspicion of embezzlement for keeping the badge after he resigned in 1986, Deputy Irma Becerra said. He also was booked on suspicion of filing a false police report for having reported the badge stolen in a car burglary shortly before he resigned, Becerra said.

Hoffman works as a counselor at a group home for abused children in Granada Hills, said Deputy Richard Hedges, who is investigating the incident. The home’s manager, Laymoine Bolton, 26, was arrested for posing as a deputy at the Pasadena parade late Tuesday.


Bolton wore Hoffman’s badge, but obtained a uniform and handgun elsewhere, Hedges said. Hoffman, who told sheriff’s investigators that his badge was stolen in October, 1991, was released early Thursday after posting $5,000 bail.

Bolton remained in custody, awaiting arraignment today on charges of impersonating a police officer, auto theft, possession of a loaded firearm and receiving stolen property.

On the day before the parade, Bolton reported to a command post in uniform, gave an identification number and received traffic duty at the east end of the parade route, Hedges said. But Deputy Donnie Mauldin tried to enter Bolton’s number on a computer and found it was not valid.


Mauldin confronted Bolton at his post, noticed he was carrying a gun not issued by the department and seized the weapon, Hedges said. After a foot chase, Mauldin arrested him. Bolton had been imprisoned for theft and forgery before he walked away from a halfway house in 1989, violating his parole, Hedges said.
