
Sharing Some of Port’s Profits


Your Sunday article “Share the Wealth?” by Bettina Boxall (Times, Jan. 12) provides ample support for a matter that Long Beach Area Citizens Involved (LBACI) first brought to the attention of the City Council and Long Beach residents in 1987--that the Port of Long Beach can and should use some of its huge profits to the benefit of all of our local citizens, and not just a narrow segment of the international business community.

The City Charter provides (in Section 1209 (c) (4)) that up to 10% of annual Harbor Department profits may be transferred to the Tideland Operating Fund. This could mean support for various city activities (lifeguards, beach maintenance, etc.), and a consequent potential to divert city general funds to much-needed social services. The general fund could also be boosted if, as the nonpartisan city auditor suggests, the council were to insist that port tenants be taxed on the same basis as other businesses in the city.

Although the port is credited with “funding” the expansion of the Convention Center, it needs to be noted that a portion of the transient occupancy tax is slated to repay the port. Better that the port waive repayment and agree to provide all sure-to-be-needed annual subsidies to the money-losing center. That would eliminate another $1 million drag on the general fund. LBACI believes it is time for the Sacred Cow to give some milk.




LBACI Budget Committee
