
SIMI VALLEY : Fast Track Urged for Ahmanson Project


County Supervisors Maria VanderKolk and Vicky Howard have recommended an expedited timetable for the Jordan Ranch-Ahmanson development that would allow the Board of Supervisors to review the project by July 28.

Under the supervisors’ proposal, the developers would have to pay consultant fees and the wages of staff involved in evaluating the project.

The proposed development consists of 2,600 houses and a PGA golf course at the Ahmanson Ranch site southeast of Simi Valley near the Los Angeles County line. If the project is ultimately approved, 10,000 acres would become permanent open space.


In a report to the board, Howard and VanderKolk warned that their timetable is “extremely ambitious, optimistic and work-intensive,” and that the proposed schedule is by no means guaranteed. The board will consider the recommendation today at its weekly meeting.
