
America Has Done More Than Enough

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While reading the article “The Caring Fields” (View, Jan. 5), I was impressed and touched by the caring dedication given and the hardships endured by the young nurse from Huntington Beach serving in a Cambodian refugee camp.

Those feelings aside however, this current sad affair has an ominous ring of familiarity and frightful resemblance to the Tom Dooley fiasco of Vietnam infamy, back in the ‘60s, that cost our country a terrible price in lives and money. Sure, there is a lot of misery, hunger, pain and suffering--all over the world. It has existed since the beginning of time and will surely continue forever. America cannot stop it, and many other countries couldn’t care less.

Monied organizations, our politicians and bleeding-heart do-gooders are not to take this and other sad news as an open invitation for us to become involved in still another losing save-the-world massive program.


America is broke, cannot even take care of its own and headed for (if not already in) a deep financial depression. We have already done more for and accepted more immigrants than, any country on the face of the earth. For our very survival, we need to face up to the oldest law of mankind: The law of the jungle of the survival of the fittest. It seems these forever-troubled countries need to realize that birth control measures should be their first and highest priority. Ours is to not keep our doors open so wide as in the past and to realize that charity begins at home.

MAX ST. YVES, Newport Beach
