
CYPRESS : Council Approves No-Smoking Policy


Smokers who light up in city-owned buildings may be asked to put out their cigarettes unless they are playing bingo or visiting the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post, the City Council decided this week.

In a 4-1 vote, with Mayor Richard Partin dissenting, the council adopted a no-smoking policy in all city-owned buildings. However, afraid that they would put a damper on attendance at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post and the weekly bingo fund-raising games at the Boys and Girls Club, they exempted both organizations from the rule.

Originally, the council wanted to pass an ordinance, which is more binding than a resolution, but discovered that in doing so they would have to declare that smoking at the two exempted organizations did not pose a health risk to nonsmokers.


“In order to exempt those places we had to make a health finding that smoking is not injurious to those who don’t smoke,” said City Manager Darrell Essex.

On the advice of City Atty. Jerry M. Patterson, the council settled for the less restrictive policy, which does not carry any penalties. So smokers can be asked to put out their cigarettes, but they will not have to pay a fine if they choose not to.

“Based upon the legal complexity of pursuing this issue . . . the City Council should consider adopting a “no-smoking” policy,” wrote Patterson in his staff report. The council agreed and voted in the policy.

The no-smoking policy is effective immediately.
