
George Habash


In response to your editorial, “Paris Should Be Embarrassed,” Feb. 4:

In this day and age you still refuse to recognize that leaders like Dr. George Habash (leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) are respected and loved by far more people than those imposed puppet leaders the U.S. State Department considers allies in the Arab world.

A publication like yours should have been cleansed of Zionist influence that blinds its editors to the facts and truths about the Middle East.

Habash was made a refugee by the creation of Israel in 1948 and, like many others of his people, lived to resist in pursuit of freedom and justice.


Habash is a freedom fighter. One day, after he is long gone, a French president might have to place a wreath at his grave if he decided to visit the free democratic united state of Arabia.

MAX H. ZETAWI, Cerritos
