
Too Late to Change Jail Site


Why, when in July, 1990, the Board of Supervisors selected the Todd Road site over the other 26 sites considered for the new jail, and why, when the county chose to purchase the Todd Road site, is there opposition being expressed now at this late date by Supervisor John K. Flynn?

There has already been over $7 million spent on the planning phase of the Todd Road site.

This expenditure was approved by the Board of Supervisors. In addition, the State of California has allocated $31 million for construction at the Todd Road site.

If, at this late date, the site is changed, we will definitely lose the $7 million, and it is very possible that we will lose the $31 million.


The alternative jail facilities that Flynn has proposed would delay the much-needed bed space that is critically needed within at least two years. In addition, most of the existing jail population would not qualify for the other facilities he recommends due to the seriousness of their offenses.

We need the capability for future expansion that would not be possible with Flynn’s proposal.

SHARON A. GAHM, Westlake Village
