
Dispute in South Pasadena Over Long Beach Freeway


Ex-Mayor Alva Lee Arnold of South Pasadena (Times, Letters, Feb. 23) has done more harm to the residents of this fine community than any other previously elected or appointed official in the 102-year history of its existence due to her political machinations in fighting against the completion of the Long Beach Freeway (710).

South Pasadena has become a one-issue community. The 710 Freeway has been the sole issue of Arnold’s political career. The South Pasadena City Council has sidestepped issues of zoning, planning, housing for the elderly, central business development and very lax management of South Pasadena city and Community Redevelopment funds. In the past three years, well over $500,000 has been spent in legal and lobbying fees to no avail.

During my four years (1984-88) on the South Pasadena City Council, local government and the California Department of Transportation met only once and nothing was accomplished.


Air pollution, traffic jams, road damage, lack of egress and ingress to the city and the destruction of its main surface streets are strangling this wonderful small city.

It’s time for negotiation, mediation and a resolution to the 710 Freeway problem. An ostrich that sticks its head in the ground and does not move and eventually suffocates.

Let’s not see the demise of what is now a fine small city become an isolated, insular city and bankrupt itself on a single issue.

ROBERT WAGNER, South Pasadena
