
Community’s Aid Praised


The loss of property and life in Ventura County’s floods is a tragedy we would rather erase. Television’s broadcast of the flooding, muddy waters of the Ventura River washing automobiles and RVs out into the ocean is a graphic reminder of the power of Mother Nature.

Amidst the scenes of loss and misfortune, however, there are some more positive scenes. The American Red Cross put two shelters in operation, one in Ojai at Nordhoff High School and one at DeAnza Middle School in Ventura. They provided emergency services including cots, blankets, meals and first aid.

Catholic Charities of Ventura gave bus tokens to take homeless to DeAnza Middle School’s shelter. Catholic Charities in Oxnard supplied bus tokens to take homeless people to the National Guard Armory.


The Salvation Army in Ventura distributed clothing vouchers for displaced families. Additional assistance was made available to them at the Salvation Army’s facility.

These agencies, funded by United Way of Ventura County, represent the best of our community at work. Not only is the human response there, but the financial resources too. United Way is proud to be in partnership with these agencies, serving the human and health needs of the citizens of Ventura County.

In 1991, generous Ventura County residents made it possible to distribute over $5.8 million to 64 local nonprofit agencies serving Venturans. Donations made to United Way through workplace campaigns, individual giving and corporate giving have in part made possible the aid we saw being rendered during that rainy week in February.

MARTY de los COBOS, Board president, United Way of Ventura County
