
Clinton Holds Fund-Raising Lead

<i> The Washington Post</i>

Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton continues to lead his rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination in fund raising. He collected $2.3 million last month, and former Massachusetts Sen. Paul E. Tsongas gained the support he was seeking after he won the New Hampshire primary.

Tsongas raised more than $1.2 million in donations in February--four times what he raised in January, according to Nicholas A. Rizzo, financial chairman of his campaign.

President Bush maintained his massive fund-raising advantage over GOP rival Patrick J. Buchanan. Bush received $3.9 million in February, according to his spokeswoman, Torie Clarke. Buchanan’s treasurer, Scott Mackenzie, said his campaign raised $1.65 million in the last month.


The Federal Election Commission reported that Clinton and Buchanan on Monday each filed matching-funds requests for $1.1 million, Bush asked for $672,000 and Tsongas requested $370,000.
