
Clinton, Tsongas Don’t Mince Words


Bill Clinton accused Democratic presidential rival Paul Tsongas on Friday of wanting to punish the middle class “into the dirt” in a testy debate in which the candidates repeatedly slapped one another on economic and tax policy.

Clinton lashed out at Tsongas after the former Massachusetts senator suggested Clinton’s proposed middle-class tax cut was “candy” to voters at a time when the nation needed sacrifice.

Pointing to Tsongas, Clinton said: “He wants to continue to grind the middle class and lower middle class into the dirt. . . . He wants to give the rich something and punish the working class.”


As evidence, Clinton cited Tsongas’ plan to raise the gas tax 50 cents over the next 10 years.

Tsongas accused Clinton of trying to have it both ways on the Gulf War, saying Clinton supported Bush’s decision to go to war but also told reporters he supported giving economic sanctions more time.
