
The Sound and the Fury Over KUSC : POINT . . .


“M ore Talk, Less Bach,” last Sunday’s story on KUSC-FM by Patrick Mott, has prompted an outpouring from readers . Those critical of the station’s revamped format outnumbered supporters by more than 2 to 1. A sampling of their views: What if you’re 45 and you’ve never heard the Brahms Fourth Symphony before--and it never occurred to you to feel a fool? Along comes a pronouncement by what The Times reveals to be a love slave in the form of a pop classical radio talk station president informing you that you need not feel a fool. Thanks, Wally. Same to ya, babe.

My thanks are better directed to The Times for finally explaining the inexplicable: how an incompetent like Grice can be suffered by an undiscerning management and against the tastes of its constituency and the city it pretends to serve.

On the other hand, one must admire how far Grice has taken what appears to be a fourth-grade education in music. But, then, education and knowledge are not the criteria, are they?



Los Angeles
