
Paramount City Council


Paramount population: 47,669

Election: April 14

On the ballot: Seven candidates for two at-large seats.


Esther (Corona) Caldwell

Age: declined to state

Occupation: Educator and author

Remarks: “As an experienced City Council member, I have dedicated myself to making our community a safer and better place to live. While on the council I have worked diligently on many projects which have changed the appearance of our community, some being the new town center, rehabilitation of businesses and homes, alternative-to-gang program, neighborhood shuttle, elderly nutrition program and the Neighborhood Watch program.” Also while on the council, she has increased police protection, she said. “I strongly support a faster-reacting sheriff’s substation for citizen protection and safety. I will also work for the expansion of our satellite court to serve all the citizens of Paramount.”

Gerald A. (Jerry) Mulrooney

Age: 59

Occupation: Bicycle shop owner

Remarks: “Right now the big issues are with (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) where the federal government is requiring all homes along flood control channels to have flood insurance, which affects some homes in Paramount.” Also concerning residents is a proposal to control rents for mobile homes, he said. “It takes someone on the council who has a lot of experience because . . . there are a lot of things going on in the city. I am proud of changing Paramount from the 1930 city that it was to the modern city that it is today. I have lived all my life in Paramount, and I really do care about this city.”


Mike Pete Delivuk

Age: 66

Occupation: Accountant

Remarks: “The biggest issues in this election are some key changes that need to be made in the budget and the overbuilding of this city, . . . which is a big load for a community of this size. The big issue for the city is budgetary. I have always been interested in government, served on a board of directors and I have served on numerous committees.”


Don Plunkett

Age: Declined to state

Occupation: Paramount Journal publisher

Remarks: Declined to discuss the race

Donald (Jack) London

Age: 57

Occupation: Retired marketing and advertising manager, Southern California Gas Co.

Remarks: “The biggest issue in this election is term limitations. The two incumbents have been in office 12 years. We need new leadership, and I am willing to provide that by bringing in new ideas and a new leader.” His work on the Planning Commission and many years in management at the Southern California Gas Co. gave him experience in working with large budgets and running a large operation, London said. “I was the supervisor of four payment offices, which gives me the experience of running a big operation. I know how to provide leadership. As far as the mobile home park rent control issue, I support their efforts.”

Kitty Reiff

Age: Declined to state

Occupation: Former regional manager of Golden State Mobile Home Owners League

Remarks: “One of the biggest issues in this election is strong and desperately needed support of senior citizens and their activities. There also needs to be support of the mobile home community, and the city needs to work with the school district for . . . better education.” Other issues include supporting local businesses, promoting industry and continuing redevelopment, she said. “I have a background in business administration. I’ve been self-employed for the last 15 years, and I have a background in bookkeeping and accounting. I have enthusiasm, energy, vitality and aggressive leadership abilities.”

John K. Musgrove

Age: 42

Occupation: Stockbroker

Remarks: “There are quite a few issues in this election: the discontent with the present council, rent control and the redevelopment of certain areas. Also the issue of growing gang activity needs to be addressed.” Most of the people who live in mobile homes are seniors and they need to be protected with rent control, he said. “We need to bring the community together and protect the older people in the community. . . . I work with people every day who are concerned with investments in the future, so I have to have a concerned ear. I have also been a sergeant in the military and a sales manager.”
