
Just Making the Grade


Regarding “It’s Not a Dream,” by Rick Du Brow (April 5):

Du Brow’s article on CBS’ rise to the top is misleading, misses the point and places that network’s executives in a positive light they do not deserve.

To give CBS any credit for becoming the No. 1 network is like telling a student who received a D-minus that he or she is doing great because everyone else in the class received an F. The reality is they are all failures.

Let’s look at the record of CBS and the other networks. It’s a fact that nine out of 10 new shows fail. It’s a fact that network viewership is way down from past highs. And it’s clear that the only way they can make a new show successful is by running it behind an existing hit; otherwise, they do not have a clue as to how to get people to try a new one.


Network viewership has recently seen a slight rise. But is it due to TV executives’ great programming? Or is it that as the recession worsens, people are spending less time and money outside of the home and more time in front of their TV sets?

When a network increases its success ratio to 50% and its share of market starts rising because of programming that people want to view, then give us a piece praising network executives. Until then, don’t insult our intelligence.


