
Scholars--and Nearby County--Could Use Disney Largess


I certainly agree that elected officials must be careful of receiving inappropriate gifts from the private sector for fear of giving the appearance of improperly currying favor.

However, the recent furor regarding Mayor Fred Hunter and the Anaheim City Council, implying that there is something inappropriate in their relationship with Disneyland, is really nonsense. Elected officials’ behavior is continually scrutinized as if everyone is waiting for them to make a mistake. Disneyland has, over the past 37 years, been a model corporate citizen of the community.

Anaheim is the home to an American institution that employs thousands of people and creates an enormous positive economic impact for the city.


A close working relationship with all major business enterprises is critical for any municipal government. This is especially true now, given the tough economic climate and the reality that California is seeing many existing businesses move to other states that are willing to work with them and not be adversarial. Add to this Southern California cities and counties trying to get each other’s businesses to relocate, and we now have an extremely competitive environment for governments to operate in.

The 2,100-acre Norton Air Force Base in San Bernardino is closing in 1994, with the loss of thousands of jobs. San Bernardino will gladly lift the burden of working closely with your businesses off your shoulders and out of your city!


Executive Director

San Bernardino Convention & Visitors Bureau
