
Leave the Driving to Them


Decked out in sequins and bow ties, 500 William S. Hart High School students were whisked to their prom in the sort of carriages usually reserved for tour groups and gamblers. No need to ask Dad for the car keys. They rode buses--12 47-seat luxury coaches hired by the Newhall school to reduce the cost of prom night and the risks of drinking and driving. Only students who rode the bus were allowed to attend Saturday night’s affair at the Sheraton Universal Hotel in North Hollywood. So resigned students queued outside the coaches as if waiting in line at the cafeteria, and a hired security guard frisked the prom-goers as they boarded. Administrators struck upon the idea in an effort to cut the amount of money some students spend on extras such as limousines. Prom tickets cost $110 per couple, including bus fare.
