
PLATFORM : Picking on Unions Won’t Muzzle Labor’s Voice


We have lived to see the day that an unprincipled pol like George Bush can attempt to regain lost popularity by picking on unions. Sounds like something out of 1892 rather than 1992.

The question is whether the majority of working people in this country will believe that Bush is their friend and unions their enemy after a dozen years of economy-wrecking policy from the Reagan and Bush administrations.

Bush’s order may hamper political activities by unions, but it certainly won’t stop it. It is so clearly intended to appease the far right in the President’s increasingly disaffected conservative constituency that it may motivate a substantial number of apathetic fence-sitters among wage-earning Americans to register and vote for the Democratic candidate for President.


Every American who works for wages, union or not, ought to vote to throw those guys out before it is too late and labor has no voice.
