
THOUSAND OAKS : Developer Asks City to Annex 300 Acres

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A Westlake-area developer has asked the city of Thousand Oaks to annex 300 acres southwest of the city so that he and a partner can build up to 340 houses and a golf course.

The request was submitted to the city in a letter from Jon B. Hedberg, president of the JBH Development Co., and his partner, Charles J. Dragicevich of the Woodland Hills-based Rose Co.

The land is part of a 632-acre agricultural preserve known as the Broome Ranch. The ranch is under the ownership of the estate of George Huck.


Hedberg was not available for comment, but according to a letter to the city, he and Dragicevich intend to acquire the property by September.

The partners are planning to build 2,500- to 4,000-square-foot houses that will range in price from $475,000 to $625,000, according to the letter.

City Planner John Prescott said the area proposed for annexation is “a logical extension of Thousand Oaks.”


But it will take years for such an annexation to occur, he added.

In order to add the area to the city, the developers must seek a change in zoning from open space to residential and gain approval from the county Local Agency Formation Commission.

The ranch is situated outside the city’s sphere of influence, a boundary set by the county for future urban growth.

The property was designated an agricultural preserve under an agreement with the county. That agreement is expected to expire in 1998, but it could be broken before then, Prescott said.
