
What Can Be Done to Make It Safe Again?


After this tragedy that has just hit our city, we must somehow now do the impossible, bring business and jobs to the burnt-out areas of the city. A small minority of gangbangers, looters and arsonists have created a large number of victims. Some hard-working people have no jobs to return to because their place of employment has been burned down. The fear business has of reinvesting there must surely be huge. Some people feel their lives would be in danger just entering the area, let alone opening up a shop. The question I ask is: What can be done to make it safe again and also make business believe it to be so?

I don’t think the government or any outsider can do very much alone. I think all the good citizens who are the biggest victims must take action. Everyone must try to gain control of their own neighborhood. All looters and arsonists should be identified and turned in for prosecution. All gang members should be identified and pressure applied to reform or be driven out. All crack houses must go. People must let the police and mayor’s office know when a crack house pops up. Rewards must be offered for this kind of information.

I know there are some real heroes out there. I saw people of real courage try to save helpless motorists from an angry mob. Everyone should do their part; it will not be easy. And above all else, don’t become part of the problem. Some people will scream law and order, and buy a stolen VCR from someone because they can get it for $15. This is why a lot of the looting took place. Because of the people who will buy stolen goods. How can they say “shoot the looters” and then turn around and buy stolen goods from them? Something is wrong with this kind of thinking.


If crack houses are allowed to spring up and grow, its poison may even swallow up your children. If we fail to control our own neighborhoods, no amount of money or government help will do any good. If you know someone who normally would not steal, try to get them to return whatever they stole. We must have pride! Gang graffiti must disappear. The city should look clean and proud and above all else safe. If it does not, no business or job will move in. Unemployment will just get worse. Everyone must do the right thing! This is not a dumb Spike Lee movie; this is the real thing. And unlike his movie, we must find a real answer. One that is good for all the good, hard-working honest people who have become the victims.


Redondo Beach
