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As a single parent struggling to put myself through college, I am dismayed by the San Diego State University proposed department eliminations.

I was on welfare when my son was born. His father has never seen his child. When my son was a year old, I held two jobs, enrolled at SDSU and went off welfare.

I have just spent the last three years going to school full-time, working two part-time jobs and raising my son single-handedly. I have maintained a 2.70 grade point average and am majoring in food and nutrition.


I am three classes--one semester--away from graduation. My goal is to be a registered dietitian. Now you are taking my goal away.

I understand the state is in financial straits. But, when cuts need to be made, why are you cutting academics and not athletics? Are you saying it’s more important for SDSU to have an athletic program than academic programs?

Earning a degree from the American Dietetic Assn.-approved food and nutrition program at SDSU is not enough. Once the student has successfully completed the degree program, the student continues dietetic education in an internship program. San Diego State University offers such a program. It costs $12,000 for 18 months of advanced training. There are no other American Dietetic Assn.-approved dietetic programs in San Diego County. You are eliminating a program that directly benefits the community SDSU serves.


It is too late for me to change my major. I’m already in debt with student loans and cannot incur any new ones.

I am not starting over again. I couldn’t take another two to three years of the stress I have been through. All I wanted was a better life for my son, but you’ve slashed that from your budget.

You are leading my future straight back to the welfare system.


Food and Nutrition senior
