
Celibacy: Is It Holy Vow or Sacred Cow?


From the standpoint of the thousands of priests and nuns and the faithful who are steadfast in their conviction pertaining to the value of celibacy and obedience to the teachings of the Catholic Church, it is difficult to understand how one can make a sacred vow willingly and then decide to break it.

The article about ex-priest Terry Sweeney (“The Mission,” May 26) is just one more repeat of history. Throughout the ages, it has been recorded and much publicized when some member of the clergy revolted and published attacks on the Catholic Church, but the church still has weathered the storms of protest by those who have decided to become its enemies and to cause division.

More ex-priests and ex-nuns will continue to scandalize and oppose the church while claiming to be Catholics working to improve its doctrines.


I have great respect for those of other faiths who firmly believe their path is the best, but for the ex-priests and ex-nuns I have pity and very little respect. I pray for them.

