
Military Cuts


In response to “Battling Life After the Service,” June 1:

True to form Congress has never been reluctant to “break the contract” with service members in the past, and so why change now? What galls servicemen like me is Congress’ rationalization for breaking its promise to us that the nation’s needs come first.

That’s fine, but Congress has set a double standard between the lowly GI and our so-called public servants. I suppose members of Congress’ pay raise, without the inconvenience of consulting the American public on whether they deserve it or not (not!), meets their criteria of the “nation’s needs.” And I suppose the arrogance of these lawmakers to bounce thousands of checks also falls under the “nation’s needs.”

As the saying goes, what goes around comes around. The American public is clearly dissatisfied with our revered elitist politicians, and a private citizen like Ross Perot seems the ideal choice to throw a monkey wrench into the system.



Yorba Linda
