
GOP Leaders List High-Ranking Women


As a political science graduate of UCI, I rarely agreed with Professor Petracca in class. However, I do agree with (June 21) letters by both Mark P. Petracca (“GOP Males Hinder Political Careers of Women Candidates”) and Eileen Padberg (“Criticism for Fuentes, Dornan”). Both have made points worth pursuing.

I understand that out of 42 open seats on the Orange County Republican Central Committee, only eight incumbents were returned to office. In other words, six out of seven were defeated! Why? Some say it was because they had the word incumbent next to their names. If that is true, President Bush is in deep trouble in Orange County in November.

Personally, I’m convinced it is not the word incumbent, but rather that grass-roots Republicans are fed up with the present committee.

After four years and hundreds of thousands of dollars paid out because of the 1988 “poll guard” fiasco, the responsible individual has yet to be exposed. Why? Apparently a cover-up for some sacrosanct politician or political adviser.


Perhaps it’s time, as Mr. Petracca suggests, that “Republican women can challenge the male Republican power brokers.”

With the “old guard” gone and 34 new faces on the committee and the expertise and support of both Petracca and Padberg, it can be done.

SEAN MILL, Costa Mesa
