
MAD AS HELL : Cops, Robbers and Hollywood


MAD AS HELL: Mad as Hell is an occasional feature in which readers may express their views on issues related to the arts and entertainment. Let the phrase uttered by Howard Beale (as portrayed by Peter Finch, left, in the movie “Network”) be your guide: “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!”

I am writing to express my outrage at the complete lack of social responsibility that has been demonstrated by 20th Century Fox through its decision to release the film “Unlawful Entry” in the wake of the all-too-recent Rodney King verdict and the delicate state of relations existing between the Los Angeles Police Department and large sections of the public.

“Unlawful Entry” is set in Los Angeles and features an unstable police officer who, without provocation, beats a black man, murders his own partner and utterly terrorizes a young couple. Fox’s choosing to release the film at the present time sadly illustrates a predisposition to place the almighty dollar well ahead of whatever slight moral obligation may exist for a film company to act in an ethical manner, and only serves to trivialize the unfortunate and ugly events that have polarized the very community in which it thrives.


For the record, I did moderately enjoy the film from an entertainment perspective. However, my gut feeling is that, particularly for younger, more easily influenced groups in our society, the film will only serve to perpetuate the “us versus them” mentality currently surrounding law enforcement.

I hope moviegoers will have the good sense to realize that “Unlawful Entry” is a work of fiction and that a few bad apples cannot erase the competence with which most of the LAPD carries out its difficult duties. I also hope that a studio, when next faced with a decision of conscience versus money, will think a little longer before making a decision that so blatantly portrays its lack of social principles.


Santa Monica
