
Oh, Look for the Union Label


Designer Henry Grethel recently received a Tiffany trophy from the U.S. Olympic Organizing Committee for his stylish parade uniforms for the Winter Games. He’s hoping they’ll feel equally gracious now that the summer outfits have been unveiled.

He’s also hoping to avoid the flack that hounded him in January because the winter uniforms were mostly produced overseas rather than on home soil.

Apparently, nearly 60% of the $400,000 budget was spent on the 400 delegates in the Winter Games, leaving 40% for the 900 members of the summer team.


Because the summer outfits were made in the United States, Grethel says, “the final budget is going to be considerably more.”

Don’t read this to mean that the fashions aren’t grand. The summer parade outfits, for Saturday’s opening ceremonies, include white shirts and preppy-style blazers for both men (pictured below) and women. Men will wear olive trousers and a stars-and-stripes necktie, while women will wear a patterned split skirt and scarf.

Both outfits feature a fancy commemorative emblem made of real gold bullion.
