
Proposed Cut in Teachers’ Pay


Certainly I am angry at Gov. Wilson and the state Legislature, but I am equally angry at Supt. Bill Anton, his predecessor Leonard Britton, the district’s chief financial consultant Robert “New Math” Booker and the members of the Board of Education.

I began working for the district in 1983 as a teacher’s aide before becoming a teacher the following year. Every year from 1983 to the present the district has claimed to be broke. Every year, with the exception of the last two, they found themselves with hundreds of millions of dollars in surpluses. Did this surplus ever make it to the classroom? Of course not. It was used to fuel a totally unnecessary bureaucracy.

We are being asked to give up everything that we fought for and earned during the 1989 strike. Frankly, I’m not willing to do so until I see some signfiicant changes take place in this district.


I believe I speak for many teachers when I say that our concerns are not only monetary. We are tired of being lied to by the board; we are tired of seeing our students’ needs neglected. I’m afraid a lot of talented and dedicated personnel will leave if there isn’t an immediate change in priorities.

