
Clinton Gala Raises Over $1 Million


Democratic presidential nominee Bill Clinton raised more than $1 million Thursday night with a gala Beverly Hills fund-raiser hosted by MCA Chairman Lew Wasserman, campaign officials said.

Clinton’s three-day campaign swing through California, which began with a speech on foreign policy to the Los Angeles World Affairs Council Thursday afternoon, is heavily loaded with money-raising events as campaign officials try to capitalize on the Democrat’s current high standing in the polls.

For the Clinton campaign, which as recently as last month was still carrying a heavy debt, the surge in the polls has been a lucrative piece of luck, with Thursday night’s event--$5,000 per head minimum--being the clearest indication so far of how in politics success breeds success. Campaign officials hope for similar results from a $1,000 per head event for Clinton’s running mate, Sen. Al Gore, later this month.
