
Altadena : Nature Center in Peril

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A county official informed the Town Council on Tuesday that the budget crunch could force the closing of the Eaton Canyon Nature Center.

Margaret Guerrero, northern region recreation director of the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation, said the proposed budget does not include funding for staff or programs in Altadena’s four main parks--Eaton Canyon, Loma Alta, Farnsworth or Charles White. The Board of Supervisors is scheduled to vote on that portion of the budget Sept. 15, she said.

Meanwhile, she said, the county is sponsoring 10-week training programs for volunteer docents to act as parks staff. However, volunteers alone would not be able to keep Eaton Canyon open because of liability concerns, officials said.


Councilman Walter Martin proposed a brainstorming session with department officials to explore ways in which the parks and the community can work together.
