
LA PALMA : Council May Pass Anti-Camping Law

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Following in the footsteps of several other Orange County cities, the City Council is considering passing a law that would make it illegal for people to camp overnight on city property.

Mayor Larry A. Herman brought the idea of an anti-camping law before the council after meeting with mayors and council members from other west Orange County cities who discussed the subject at a monthly issues meeting.

In May, Santa Ana, Fullerton and Orange adopted anti-camping laws to prohibit people from spending the night on public property. Other neighboring cities are considering similar laws.


Unlike Santa Ana, La Palma has not faced problems with homeless people camping in Central Park across from City Hall. But a law against the practice would prevent camping from becoming a problem in the future, Herman said.

The council voted unanimously to ask the city staff to draft an anti-camping ordinance for consideration. Council members will consider the law within a month, Herman said.

No one spoke Tuesday against establishing an anti-camping law. One resident spoke in favor of the proposal.


Elizabeth Hammond, 45, told the council that an anti-camping law would help prevent problems. While commuting for four years into downtown Las Angeles, Hammond said, she has witnessed the problems that some homeless people brought to that city.

“You’re seeing drug addicts and alcoholics,” Hammond said. “It’s true, we have a mix in there of single mothers with children and mentally ill people, but I don’t think that problem should be transferred to the cities.”
