
What Are the Motives Behind Orange Unified Recall Attempt?

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The article about the Orange Unified School District board recall effort missed the most important point about the demotions of the three principals: It is the manner in which this was accomplished that has many of us upset.

All three individuals (whose ages are 49 to 57 and had held their positions for a number of years) had received good to excellent job performance evaluations with no indications that there was anything lacking in their performance of duties until late last February. (At that time) they were informed that they might not be retained as principals for the following year.

During the time between the initial notifications and the actual demotions, the individual principals as well as parents, teachers and other concerned citizens wrote letters, made phone calls and spoke at school board meetings expressing support for the principals and asking why they might be demoted.


These three men were treated very unfairly, but more important is the effect this must have on all other principals (as well as other employees of the district) who can only wonder about the security of their positions. We are not a bit happy that our two children will be in schools where principals and other personnel may be more concerned about watching their backsides than doing their jobs.

Fair treatment of employees is not merely humane, it is also good business practice because it helps inspire greater employee loyalty and productivity, something this and every school district needs in these times of severe economic difficulties.

