
2 Views of the Coverage


I would like to thank the Los Angeles Times, especially the Valley Edition, for your fair and unbiased coverage of my successful grass-roots petition drive for a spot on the November ballot as an independent congressional candidate in the 25th District.

I’d also like to thank the 50 or so volunteers who carried petitions in 100-degree heat, the 12,241 individuals who signed my petitions, and the numerous store managers who allowed us to approach their customers and exercise our right to petition our government for change.

I thank you and pledge to run an honorable campaign focused on the issues and needs of the district.


The June Republican primary was a disgrace and an embarrassment. I am determined and committed to raise the level of debate to a higher plane and run a campaign void of opposition research, political consultants and handlers, hit mailers, pollsters, PAC money and negative campaigning.

