
Diamond Bar : Land-Use Permits Halted

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After suspension of the city’s General Plan because of a petition to repeal it, the City Council voted 3 to 1 Tuesday to halt the approval of any land-use permits except those that preserve health and safety or for construction already under way.

The petition, asking for the city’s first General Plan to be submitted to a public vote, was filed Aug. 10 by residents who contend that the plan encourages too much development and inadequately protects Tonner Canyon, an undeveloped area considered ecologically significant. If the petition is determined valid, the plan would be placed on a future ballot.

In the meantime, city officials determined that state law requires that the plan, the city’s guide to growth and development, be suspended.


Some residents and business people spoke out for the referendum at Tuesday’s special meeting but more spoke against it, complaining that their permits to build such structures as swimming pools, a tennis court and a restaurant had been suspended.

At its next regular meeting Sept. 1, the council will hold a public hearing after 7 p.m. on whether to ask the state for permission to resume land-use decisions.
