
ANGELES NATIONAL FOREST : 10 Bungee Jumpers Fined $100 Each for Trespassing


Risking cuts, bruises, heart attacks and even death is all part of the thrill of bungee jumping. But trespassing convictions?

That is what a group of 10 young bungee jumpers have to show for attempting to throw themselves off a natural gas pipeline this month in the Angeles National Forest. They pleaded guilty Friday in Newhall Municipal Court and were ordered to pay fines of $100 each for climbing a barbed-wire fence and edging out onto a 34-inch steel pipe that spans 350-foot-deep Liebre Gulch northeast of Pyramid Lake.

Only one or two members of the group managed to wrap their ankle cords around the cables supporting the pipe and leap into the abyss before a U.S. Forest Service ranger showed up.
