
Writing in Defense of Irish Catholics

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I am astonished that The Times would permit such bald-faced bigotry in its paper as is contained in the Aug. 20 article entitled “Capt. Buchanan’s Loose Canon” by Tim Rutten.

In an ostensible attempt to criticize Pat Buchanan, Rutten lashes out against three generations of Irish Catholics. He portrays them as booze-guzzling loudmouths who have indulged in their hatreds by cheering for slander of the Jews, stoking the pyres of McCarthyism and spitting invective against the “evil empire” for most of their lives.

Heaven knows it is easy enough to take shots at Pat Buchanan. After all, he is one of the few living public figures who is not afraid to say what is right or wrong. But it is cheap and shoddy journalism to malign an entire people in the process.


Most of these allegedly despicable Irish Catholics have led honorable lives as responsible and hard-working citizens. Many have fought for, died for, or lost children fighting for this country. And some, such as John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy, have risen to great prominence in service to this country.


Newport Beach
