
Miami Cruise Schedules Survive the Hurricane

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Despite the devastation visited on many parts of the Miami area by Hurricane Andrew, the storm miraculously had only a minimal impact on the cruise industry, for which Miami is the U.S. headquarters, with nine cruise lines based there and 19 cruise ships using it as home port. Remarkably, no cruise ships were damaged and only a few sailings were canceled. Several ships which were out of port on cruises when the hurricane hit, simply headed elsewhere, out of harm’s way, to wait out the storm. Because of the hurricane’s timing (it struck Miami Sunday evening, Aug. 23), most seven-day cruises were already out to sea, having departed on Saturday and earlier in the day on Sunday. Only a few of the shorter cruises--mostly the three- and four-day variety--were affected. One, Royal Caribbean Cruise Line’s Nordic Empress, canceled its Monday sailing to the Bahamas; the ship simply remained at sea an extra day rather than coming into port as scheduled that Monday. When it returned to port it served as temporary lodging for Royal Caribbean employees who had lost their homes to the storm. Carnival Cruise Lines also canceled its Aug. 24 four-day cruise of the Fantasy and used the ship as a temporary hotel for employees. Dolphin Cruise Line’s Dolphin IV shaved a day off its itinerary, departing Miami Aug. 25, rather than Aug. 24, for a three-night, rather than four-night, cruise to the Bahamas.

Travel Quiz: What state has the most national parks?

Rental Car Companies Agree to Disclose: Two of the nation’s largest car rental firms--Dollar Rent-A-Car Systems, of Los Angeles, and Value Rent-A-Car, of Boca Raton, Fla.--have agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that they failed to inform potential customers of a number of charges and restrictions when they provided price quotations for car rentals. The FTC complaint accused the car rental giants of failing to disclose mandatory airport fees for consumers who use the companies’ shuttle services at certain airports, the existence of an extra charge for drivers under 25 and certain geographic restrictions on where customers can drive unlimited-mileage vehicles. According to the FTC, the car companies failed to make the necessary disclosures in their advertising, in presentations on 800-number telephone reservations lines and in the computerized reservation systems used by travel agents to book rental cars. In response, the car rental firms have agreed to inform consumers of all restrictions, and in addition disclose any other mandatory charges that may not be reasonably avoidable (such as a charge for shuttle bus service that could be avoided by walking).

Wildfire Info: Travelers planning to visit areas near Northern California wildfires can call the Caltrans Highway Information Network to receive up-to-date road condition information. The number is open 24 hours a day and offers continually updated recorded information on road closures and where the major fires affecting travel are located. Be prepared to punch in, on a push-button phone, the number of the route you are going to take. Call (916) 653-7623.


Quick Fact: Frequent flyers (more than 10 trips in a year) were only 7% of flyers during 1991 but accounted for 40% of the trips taken. (Source:Air Transport Assn.)

Papua New Guinea Changes Visa Procedure: In an effort to better control and monitor the influx of foreigners into the country, on Sept. 1 Papua New Guinea stopped issuing visas to visitors arriving at points of entry, including airports and seaports. Travelers now must obtain visas before arrival or they will be denied admittance. The government of the island nation comprising Eastern New Guinea and many small islands has taken the step, it said, because some travelers were entering on tourist visas and then setting up residence, going to school or working. The new system will allow better screening of visa applications.

Rail Reduction: Amtrak is offering 10%-20% savings on autumn air-rail trips--trips within the United States for which passengers travel one way by train and one way by United Airlines, and book by Sept. 30. For example, transcontinental coach passengers using Amtrak one way and flying the other will pay $405 round trip when traveling Sept. 14 through Dec. 11. The same high-season trip would cost $529, and standard off-season prices would be $449. The special prices will range from $299 to $522, depending on the route and distances involved, and will be available on all Air-Rail Travel Plan itineraries.


Free Phones for Travel Info: A new resource guide, the AT&T; 800 Travel Directory, lists more than 6,000 travel organizations that can answer questions, send brochures or take reservations--at no cost for the phone call. Along with the convenience of having travel-related 800 numbers divided into classifications such as bicycle tours or yacht rentals, the directory makes it possible to find discounts and bargains in the United States, Europe and far-flung places such as Botswana and Australia. The cost is $4.99 plus postage and handling from (800) 426-8686.

Teaching Kids to Explore Differences: “The Kids Bridge”--a hands-on, interactive exhibition exploring issues of identity, ethnicity and racism for children and their families--will open Sept. 30 at the Smithsonian Institution’s Experimental Gallery, 900 Jefferson Drive S.W., Washington, D.C., in the Arts and Industries Building. Activities will include games from China, Ethiopia and Italy; interactive videos describing personal experiences with racism, and pushcarts filled with clothing, food, games and toys from different cultures. Following its close on March 1, 1993, the show will be converted to a traveling exhibition to visit cities around the country through mid-1996.

Comparatively Speaking: U.S. airlines that received the most mishandled-baggage complaints per 1,000 passengers for the period January-June: Continental. Next greatest: TWA. Next: Alaska. Least number of complaints: Southwest. (Source: Department of Transportation.)


Quiz Answer: Alaska, with eight national parks.
