
President to Give Speech in Anaheim Park on Sunday


President Bush will deliver a 15-minute speech here Sunday as part of a day of campaigning focused on the environment and the economy.

After flying into the Tustin Marine Corps Air Station on Sunday morning, Bush will head to Los Angeles for a banquet before returning to the county about 1 p.m. to appear at Yorba Regional Park here.

The stop is Bush’s first in Orange County since the GOP convention last month. According to the Orange County Annual Survey, a poll conducted by UC Irvine professor Mark Baldassare and released Sept. 4, Bush was locked in a dead heat with Democratic challenger Bill Clinton in heavily Republican Orange County.


In the 1988 election, Bush carried the county 68% to 31% over Democrat Michael S. Dukakis, a margin that propelled him to his overall 51% to 48% win in California.

After the speech here, Bush will travel to San Diego for another campaign appearance.
