
Better Dead Than Read


Regarding “A Labor-Intensive ‘Hoffa,’ ” by Patrick Goldstein (Aug. 30):

And just when I was despairing of the motion picture industry, along comes the heartening news that 20th Century Fox is making a movie glorifying Jimmy Hoffa, to the tune of about $50 million, with director Danny DeVito calling Hoffa “honest,” adding: “If we had a guy like this running the country, I’d breathe easy.”

Goldstein reports that the movie, which is unfinished, is considered Academy Award material. And some people still are petty enough to suggest that money, not quality, determines award nominations!

In the accompanying article, Goldstein somewhat contradicts DeVito, writing: “Hoffa lived outside the law. Teamster elections were rigged. Union funds disappeared. Goons pummeled union dissidents into submission.”


Ah, Hollywood, you’ve done it again!


Granada Hills
