
PLATFORM : And the Others?

<i> Dr. RALPH HANSEN, co-director of the Special Care Center, an AIDS facility at Century City Hospital, commented on the controversy surrounding Magic Johnson's decision to retire permanently from the NBA, apparently because of other players' fears. Hansen told The Times:</i>

In the NBA right now, there are probably players who are HIV positive and either don’t know it or are hiding it. From a high-risk viewpoint, already infected players present a greater risk than Magic did.

Knowing Magic’s HIV status made preparing for exposure to on-the-court cuts and bruises simply common sense. How will such cuts and bruises from these “hidden” players be handled, and what level of risk will be associated with exposure to their injuries?

Magic Johnson would not, in all medical probability, have given his colleagues HIV disease any more than Ryan White would have given it to his schoolmates in Indiana. But NBA players and others who refuse to heed medical warnings about AIDS and halt promiscuous behaviors that expose them to the virus over and over again, will increase their risks substantially, even though Magic Johnson is no longer on the court.
