
South Whittier : Volunteers to Be Liaisons With Sheriff’s Department


A group of South Whittier volunteers has agreed to act as a go-between for residents and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

Establishing the committee is part of an effort to improve relations between officers and the communities they serve, officials said.

“We know that we have problems,” Sgt. Mike Pippin said. “That’s why we’re forming this group--to address those problems that the community has and that we really don’t understand or never hear about. We hope residents will use this committee when they feel reluctant to go to the department.”


The 16-member committee has agreed to take 19 hours of training over the next several months, including an overview of the criminal justice system and studying policies on the use of force and techniques for investigating narcotics and gang activity.

Participants will learn with cadets at a deputy training academy. Committee members were recruited through the South Whittier Community Coordinating Council, a volunteer group that acts as an informal City Council for unincorporated South Whittier.
