
Lakewood : Vandals Spray-Paint Nazi Symbols on Temple Walls

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Vandals spray-painted a swastika and other symbols associated with Nazis on the outer walls of a Jewish temple on Del Amo Boulevard last weekend, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Lakewood Station.

The incident at Temple Beth Zion-Sinai occurred a week after four windows at the temple were shattered when someone shot ball bearings through them. Detectives said they have no leads on who may be responsible for the incidents.

A temple member found the graffiti at 9 a.m. Sunday. They consisted of a swastika, two lightning bolts associated with the Nazi secret police in Germany, and the letters WP, which Rabbi Claudio Kaiser Blueth said stands for white power.


He attributed the vandalism to “old hatred against the Jewish people by these white power people. There are connections with ideology of the Nazis, the same language and the same symbols. They want to get rid of all minorities, especially the Jewish people.”

In another incident two years ago, two teen-age boys were apprehended after scribbling Nazi symbols on the temple door, Blueth said.
