
‘Old Boy’ Club at Work Again


I was very surprised to hear about Jere Robings’ firing from his position as executive director of the Ventura County Taxpayers Assn., after all the successes he has had.

But I was even more shocked to learn the reason: The taxpayers board didn’t like the fact that Jere was aggressive and made waves. Instead, they want someone who will be less confrontational.

That’s ridiculous. What possible good is a taxpayers organization that doesn’t aggressively defend the interests of the taxpayers? What else is it supposed to do?


Unfortunately there are some taxpayers organizations elsewhere in California that not only wimp out, they actually provide political cover for tax and spending hikes. In order to appear “responsible” and “reasonable,” they compromise principles and cut deals and end up giving their blessings to “moderate” tax increases.

I hope that’s not where the Ventura County Taxpayers Assn. is headed. I wasn’t worried as long as Jere was in charge. Now I am.

SANDI WEBB, City Council member, Simi Valley
