
‘Happy Warrior’ Returns Fire


It comes as no surprise that the Los Angeles Times has once again come to the aid of Judith Ryan (“Time to Forgive and Forget, Not Whine,” editorial, Jan. 10). The ethics reprimand Ryan received from the Orange County Republican Party, contrary to The Times’ superficial analysis, was well-deserved.

The Times asks me to “drop” 12 ethics complaints. Please, let’s set the record straight. Even a cursory look at the facts fortifies the Republican ethics panel’s rulings. Ryan was recruited by consultant Eileen Padberg and by every radical-left feminist organization (all Democrats) in this country. Eileen and these national abortion-on-demand groups were not concerned in the least about sending Ryan to Washington because, if they were, they would have encouraged her to run in her home district. Ryan’s district just happened to be a new, no-incumbent congressional seat where, given her wealth, she could have won the primary. The general election would then have been a slam-dunk for her, given the Republican registration.

But, no! The main goal was ripping apart Bob Dornan’s public career and reputation.

For many years, we California Republicans have tried to follow a rule that Padberg, Ryan and their coterie of self-described “moderates” clearly violated. The rule logically insists that a Republican in a primary election, even though running an aggressive campaign that clarifies differences, should not damage a fellow Republican to the point that he or she cannot win the general election.


The Times writes that I should “forgive and forget” and “should drop the campaign complaints.” What a joke! Why? If I had lost, they would still be pouring salt in my wounds. Clearly, for the good of the Republican Party, it was important that Ryan be censured for her campaign’s operations, not only to set my record straight, but to resend the message that the party will not tolerate contempt for Ronald Reagan’s 11th commandment.

The ethics panel’s statement of the Ryan campaign’s “character defamation, inaccuracies and distortion” is now on record for all to read.

And, despite your closing claim, be advised that I have very thick skin. How else could I have survived over 30 years in public life, with a liberal media culture always running interference for my opponents, and still have remained such a happy warrior?


U.S. House of Representatives

38th District, Garden Grove
