
Tucker: The Man and His Dream (USA...


Tucker: The Man and His Dream (USA Sunday at 2 p.m.) Francis Ford Coppola’s much-overlooked but excellent 1988 take on the souring of the American Dream as it profiles the exuberant, innovative postwar car designer Preston Tucker (Jeff Bridges, at his best) undone by Detroit. Martin Landau is remarkable as Tucker’s backer, captivated by Tucker’s vision.

The Lower Depths (Bravo Monday at 10 p.m.) Akira Kurosawa’s splendid 1957 retelling of the Maxim Gorky play starring Toshiro Mifune.

The Servant (Bravo Friday at 5 p.m., again at 10 p.m.) Written by Harold Pinter and directed by Joseph Losey, this 1963 British film is one of Losey’s best. It’s a sinister, dark, witty tale of a weak aristocrat (James Fox) whose life is gradually taken over by his enigmatic manservant (Dirk Bogarde).
